
Welcome, visitor number








Xameren →

About Me


Tech skills

Front-end dev - HTML and CSS

Over the years I have been casually learning HTML and CSS in my free time. I have made several, now discontinued and deleted websites.
I do not know, nor am I willing to learn javascript.
Currently, I have no motivation or projects for me to continue with my learning in this subject.

Front-end projects:

- This website →


I have just started learning python about a month ago from the time of writing this.
I made a bunch of converters, a text analyser and a Casino (Both are a part of FOSS).
The casino has over 1200 lines of goofy, unoptimised code.
Still learning python tho, it's quite fun.

Python projects:

- A casino →
- A text file analyser →
A CS2 rating script →




I have been playing CSGO ever since 2019. I currently have the playtime of over 1000 hours in this game, but am still really bad at it.
I am a Silver 4 on most maps which I play, GN Master on wingman and 3500 elo in premier. Note that i dont play premier that much because i keep getting griefers in my games.
My inventory is valued at around 40 dollars.

My CS2 stats:

    - HLTV: 1.03
    - KD: 0.88
    - WR: 45%
    - ADR: 82


I have also been playing Tetr.io which is basically a tetris game. I have the playtime of almost 100 hours here.
My best rank would be A-, although right now i am unranked.

My tetr.io stats:

    - Quick play: 820.4m
    - 40 Line: 1:23.933
    - Blitz: 68 184
    - Current XP: 890 000 (top 4%)


Another game which i have been playing is chess, where I have played 100's of games.
I have been playing chess since 2021 and i would say that i got pretty good at it.

My chess ratings:

    - Puzzles: 2000
    - Rapid: 1000
    - Bullet: 800
    - Blitz: 600

88x31 Badges

Xameren's badgeQR code

FSKY's badgeTelepath's badgeAri's badgeGeorgemoody's badgeHydrogen's badgeLDA's badgePurplebored's badgeArray in a Matrix badgeEmortal's's badgeMalgow's badgeLiro's badgeAleksey's badge